Christmas Blessings

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What is Christmas all about? In our consumer-driven world, how can we celebrate the ‘Christmas event’ in a way that reflects the humble beginnings of Jesus, who was born in poverty and lay in an animal food trough surrounded by domestic animals? How can Christmas time be a blessing to me as I seek to bless others?

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According to the US Library of Congress, the book “The Desire of Ages” is one of the finest works ever written on the life of Christ. Beginning with the miracle of the Incarnation and the Christmas story, the author takes you on a journey through the life and teachings of the most influential man in history. This timeless story will bring Jesus to life and embark you on a life-transforming adventure.

Light of the World” is a Bible study series that will guide you through the life story of Jesus and His teachings. It will transform your understanding of the greatest teacher of all time! Request this free series today and discover how Jesus of the past can change your life today.